Robin Kocaurek – Business Nerd

„Is that my coffee?“ is probably the most heard sentence of Robin, as he moves around the office pretty often and forgets his mug from time to time on a coworkers desk.

Robin is a human running on coffee, enthusiasm and probably chocolate. They told Robin he could be everything, so he became everything. And part of this team. He is now responsible for general Art Direction and Business Relations. Although lately business became a bigger part and he will probably attend all gaming related events you can possibly imagine.

He wanted to be a 3D-Designer before he even knew what that was and is now managing the Art department and doing a bit of Concepting and 3D. Meanwhile, he is working on business development and basically talking to people. One time, he even tricked a valve employee to give him his business card by giving him sweets. Sweet frogs, in particular.

Read what he’s up to on his twitter feed (warning, contains traces of German language and puns):